Santo Domingo, a team of volunteers and staff from the JB Foundation in the Dominican Republic held the first Giving Challenge to help people affected by COVID-19 in the Dominican Republic . The virtual event was held on April 24 and 25, 2020, with the objective of raising $30,000.00 Pesos which would be used for the purchase of food.

The objective of the giving challenge "I donate $100 Pesos JB" was to invite all the friends and contacts of the foundation's volunteers, who would receive a message inviting them to donate $100 pesos to the foundation and then share the post challenging other friends. More than 15 volunteers were connected for 24 hours to motivate all the people who donated online. Donations were received through the main page of the JB foundation.
Egal De Los Santos and Eridania DÃaz, coordinators of the event, formally thanked all the donors and volunteers, without them this event would not have been possible, which had the support of 71 people who donated during the development of the event and passing a goal of $38,659.22 pesos. This is the first time that the JB Foundation holds an online fundraising event for donors in the Dominican Republic, we thank God and all the people who gave support to our Giving Challenge "I donate $100 pesos JB".
