Walking with you
Walking With You is a program that focuses on collecting and distributing shoes to children in the Dominican Republic. Our goal is to provide footwear to those children who need it, whether it be for economic reasons or lack of access to proper shoes.

We believe that shoes are a basic and essential necessity for the development and well-being of children. Not only do they provide protection and comfort, but they also allow them to walk with confidence and dignity.
To achieve this strategy, we have partnered with Soles4Souls and their shoe program. We invite you to join us for the next shoe delivery in the Dominican Republic. Your donation will help us cover the shipping costs of footwear to this country.
​By making a donation of $5.00 dollars, you will be sponsoring 5 boys and girls to receive a pair of shoes.
You give.
Each donation of $5.00 dollars provides a pair of shoes to a minimum of five children in the Dominican Republic.
We received.
The JB Foundation will be responsible for delivering your shoe donations to the most disadvantaged communities.
The children win.
Now it provides protection and comfort to children, but it also allows them to walk with confidence and dignity.