Santo Domiigno, Dom.Rep. The month of May was a month full of activities for our foundation. As every year we carry out the "Forever Grandfather" and "Forever Mother" programs. On this occasion, change, we begin with our training and orientation program, which is aimed at young people and adolescents in the Dominican Republic.

Eternal Grandparents
On Saturday, May 4, our foundation celebrated the eternal grandparents program 2019. On this occasion in a very different way from the previous year, we had the opportunity to share with the retired sisters of the Sisters of Charity of Cardenal Sancha congregation. The retired sisters live in the Mother Amadora de Cristo home where we were able to find sisters who can no longer work in a community for health reasons. For the first time, our foundation received a group of students from the dental school of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo UASD, who together with us participated in the program and made a donation for the home. The sisters were able to enjoy dynamics and Christian songs who sang with great joy. As always, our foundation makes a donation of the main household needs. The home has about 35 sisters who no longer work in communities but do join in community prayer.

Orientation Program
On Sunday, May 5, our foundation began its new program for 2019, the orientation and training program. A program that is aimed at all the people of the Dominican Republic, with this program we seek to guide and train the different communities of the country.
With training workshops and educational talks, our foundation seeks to support communities and be part of their formation. On this occasion we were able to share an orientation talk "Pregnancy in adolescence" where young people from the community of Santo Tomas De Aquino in Los Tres Brazos were able to seek answers to their concerns, as well as tell their experience and talk about the situation in the community. The talk was given by Luz Ramirez, a Psychology graduate, who thanked the foundation for giving her the opportunity to share this topic, since she was able to talk with the young people and respond to their concerns. In the next few days the foundation will continue with more training and orientation programs. Judith Bohler General Director of JB, highlighted feeling very happy about this new program that will also be extended to different places in the Dom. Rep.

Forever Mother

On May 19, our foundation once again celebrated its Mother Forever 2019 program.
For the second year in a row, we celebrated this great day for mothers. On this occasion, 45 mothers from the Santo Tomas De Aquino community in Los Tres Brazos were able to enjoy lunch and an afternoon of music.
With this activity we closed this first semester where we completed all the programs we had on the agenda.